Contact us Prowler Water760 Pleasant St Unit 1Rochdale Ma Municipal form Commercial form Residential Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of MunicipalityContact NameEmail *Work PhoneCell PhoneBilling Contact NameBilling Contact Email *Billing Contact PhoneBilling AddressField Contact (if different from above):Field Office (if different from above):1. How many miles is your system?2. Name the types of materials used in your system and, if possible, what % they represent in the system3. How many hydrants do you have?4. What colors are the hydrants you use?5. How many service connections do you have?6. What materials are used for service connections?7. Erie, Buffalo, or both?8. How many major river crossings do you have? use? How 500’ 9. How many cross-country lines over 500’ do you have?10. Do you have any well check valves? How many?11. Do you have a system distribution map? If so, can you share a PDF with us or is it print-only?12. Do you need insurance certificates?YesNoIf yes, please provide the following: Business NameAddress they representContact email or address (if different from billing):13. Do you need a W9?YesNoIf yes, please include the email address it can be sent to (if different from the billing contact):Submit Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company NameContact NameEmail *Work PhoneBilling Contact NameBilling Contact Email *Billing Contact PhoneBilling AddressIs the leak site address different from the billing address? YesNoLeak Site Address (if different)Field Contact Name (if different from main contact)Field Contact PhoneHow do you know you have a leak?Do you have a master meter? YesNoEstimated leak size (gallons per minute) and method of calculationEstimated system size Miles of pipelineEstimated system Size of campusEstimated system Size Number of buildingsNumber of hydrants in the systemHydrant colors usedDo you have check valves?YesNoDo you have main gates?YesNoAre they accessible and easily identifiable? YesNoDo you have service connections?YesNoIf yes, what material are they generally? contact) provide you Is there other work being conducted on-site that may cause noise interference with the leak detection process?YesNoOtherDo you have a system distribution map that includes hydrants, gates, materials, and main sizes?YesNoIf yes, can you provide a PDF copy? YesNoIs the map print-only?YesNoDo you require an insurance certificate?YesNoIf yes, provide the business name and address it should representInsurance certificate recipient email or mailing address (if different from billing contact)Do you require a W9 form? YesNoif yes, provide the recipient email (if different from billing contact)Submit Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameEmail * (if called or Cell PhoneService AddressIs the billing address different from the service address?YesNoBilling Address (if different)How do you know you have a leak?Do you know what material your service line is?CopperSteelPlasticUnsureDo you know what size your service line is?½”¾”1”1 ¼”1 ½”2”UnsureDo you know roughly how long your service line is?Are you interested in our specialty mic insertion service?YesNoHave you already called Dig Safe?YesNoHave you already spoken with the water department?YesNoWater department contact name & phone (if available)How did you hear about our services?I understand that Prowler makes no assertions or guarantees of its services.YesNoSubmit