Other Services

Line Tracing

The most efficient forms of line tracing occur on metallic water lines. Other methods exist that can be used to locate non-metallic water lines and their results are subject to environmental conditions.

Curb Stop Locating

We specialize in finding the hard to locate shut offs. When you combine our specialty line tracing services with the need to find a curb stop, we succeed 9 time out of 10. Generally, the times we can’t find the shut of is because it has been damaged or no longer there.

Training & Education

24/7 Emergency Response

Line tracing – the most efficient forms of line tracing occur on metallic water lines. Other methods exist that can be used to locate non-metallic water lines and their results are subject to environmental conditions.

Curb Stop Locating – We specialize in finding the hard to locate shut offs. When you combine
our specialty line tracing services with the need to find a curb stop, we succeed 9 time out of 10.
Generally, the times we can’t find the shut of is because it has been damaged or no longer

Training & Education

24/7 Emergency Response

Equipment We use