Other Services
Line Tracing
The most efficient forms of line tracing occur on metallic water lines. Other
methods exist that can be used to locate non-metallic water lines and their results are subject to environmental conditions.
- Electronic Conductive & Inductive – both methods use a radio signal that is conducted through the pipe by a transmitter, and the person locating is holding the receiver over the ground which is indicating the location of the water line.
- Magnetic line tracing – Have you ever heard of witching sticks? This is the same concept. Using a retractable wand when walking across the water service line it responds to the change in the earth’s magnetic field that a sub-surface water line creates informing us to the pipe’s location.
- AML – All Materials Locator – This is a recently developed technology that survey’s the density of the material in the ground and alerts us when it sees a change in density. This utilizes NASA radio technology to penetrate through the soil to discover changes in material, such as the difference between soil and a water line. When it sees the change it notifies us, and we trace that all the way from the starting point to end point. When using this technique it’s important to have a known starting location such as a curb stop.
- Line insertion – this is a method used to insert a fiberglass rod into the water service line and utilize the electronic tracing method to locate the fiberglass rod that has been inserted into the water line. This is a more invasive technique that should be considered when it is vital to the success of the dig that the location of the service line is very accurate. This service is recommended on plastic service lines.
Curb Stop Locating
We specialize in finding the hard to locate shut offs. When you combine
our specialty line tracing services with the need to find a curb stop, we succeed 9 time out of 10.
Generally, the times we can’t find the shut of is because it has been damaged or no longer
Training & Education
- We offer training sessions for 1 to 50 people during which we can train them to use their current equipment or the industry's newest innovative models. They will learn about both Line Location and Leak Detection Pinpointing processes, and they will learn tips and techniques that they don't print in the instruction books that come with the locators.
24/7 Emergency Response
- Call our hotline 24/7 – Leak’s don’t always wait for you to find them. If you’re caught in the middle of the night trying to figure out a water leak emergency we’re here to help.
- 833-go-prowl 833-467-7695
Line tracing – the most efficient forms of line tracing occur on metallic water lines. Other
methods exist that can be used to locate non-metallic water lines and their results are subject to environmental conditions.
- Electronic Conductive & Inductive – both methods use a radio signal that is conducted through the pipe by a transmitter, and the person locating is holding the receiver over the ground which is indicating the location of the water line.
- Line insertion – this is a method used to insert a fiberglass rod into the water service line and utilize the electronic tracing method to locate the fiberglass rod that has been inserted into the water line. This is a more invasive technique that should be considered when it is vital to the success of the dig that the location of the service line is very accurate. This service is recommended on plastic service lines.
- AML – All Materials Locator – This is a recently developed technology that survey’s the density of the material in the ground and alerts us when it sees a change in density. This utilizes NASA radio technology to penetrate through the soil to discover changes in material, such as the difference between soil and a water line. When it sees the change it notifies us, and we trace that all the way from the starting point to end point. When using this technique it’s important to have a known starting location such as a curb stop.
- Magnetic line tracing – Have you ever heard of witching sticks? This is the same concept. Using a retractable wand when walking across the water service line it responds to the change in the earth’s magnetic field that a sub-surface water line creates informing us to the pipe’s location.
Curb Stop Locating – We specialize in finding the hard to locate shut offs. When you combine
our specialty line tracing services with the need to find a curb stop, we succeed 9 time out of 10.
Generally, the times we can’t find the shut of is because it has been damaged or no longer
Training & Education
- We offer training sessions for 1 to 50 people during which we can train them to use their current equipment or the industry's newest innovative models. They will learn about both Line Location and Leak Detection Pinpointing processes, and they will learn tips and techniques that they don't print in the instruction books that come with the locators.
24/7 Emergency Response
- Call our hotline 24/7 – Leak’s don’t always wait for you to find them. If you’re caught in the middle of the night trying to figure out a water leak emergency we’re here to help.
- 833-go-prowl 833-467-7695